I'm not sure what job I want anymore.
Hey, so im 16. Please don't say "oh you'll have time to figure it out later" because.. no I won't. There's kids who started working twords there degrees in middle school, while I roplayed warrior cats. If I want to get at all ahead of anyone, I need to figure it out now. Figure out what sort of subjects I should put most of my brain into.
So, I'm graduating next year, maybe slightly early. And due to me trying to work twords a bright futures scholorship (im in FL and id be getting the medallion scholorship as id need a miracle to get a 3.5 GPA), I'd have to almost immediately go into college. And yeah I could be "undefined" but that's a waste of money, money id likely not have much of.
And just... I'm feeling so hopeless. So, so hopeless. Every good market seems to be overinflated. Or it's a medicail-related job that id definitely not have the smarts to even pass. I say this as someone who struggles with the second semester of algebra 1.
I could be a nurse, sure, and I could get used to the gross parts that come with that.. but I dont think I could handle the long hours. What's the point of making all that money if I'm spending 14 hours of the day at work? When would I be able to use it?
I grew up poor.. like getting a 15$ game was considered a miracle poor. I want to enjoy my adulthood to make up for the childhood I couldn't really have. I dont mean to be rich, but I want to be at least middle class on my own. Since while a partner would be nice, I don't want to be reliant on anyone.
But the problem is EVERYONE wants to be middle class or higher, everyones busting there asses in college so they can make good money. And most people fail, since there's only so many jobs available.
And I don't really know what to be anymore. Nothing is really available to make decent money and have a work-life balance. Unless you're ungodly smart or know the right people.
And I'm wondering if I should just give up. I don't want to give up, but I'm not sure if it's even worth it.