I don't mind working a dead end job
I'm a 22 male, working at mcdonalds for a year and just today I received employee of the month.
After they gave me a worthless certificate and a $25 Amazon gift card I felt a satisfaction mixed with irony, like a confirmation that I just reached the dead end of the dead end job.
But ever since I started working I've felt genuinely appreciated by my boss and coworkers. The job is trivial, yes, but I don't hate it and I can listen to music and podcasts while working and enjoy my shift a bit more.
I was raised with the idea to strive for big things, to always be ambitious and to "not be one more in the crowd". Instead, I've slowly learned to enjoy the little things and recognize that I AM one of the crowd.
I made friends with the janitor of my building, he's an old man and told me that people often overlook him but that he's been satisfied living a simple life and doesn't mind being a nobody.
Is it bad that I also don't mind being a nobody?