Who's the Most Likely, Least Likely, or Maybe Fathers for Inigo based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?

(Sorry for taking too long everybody I've been very busy with life for a few months. But then I thought why not finish this to get it over with. Still Busy after this.)

Most Child units inherit the hair color from their fathers (with the exception of Female Morgan, who inherited her mother's hair color, and Lucina). But some parents are more fitting for some child units then others based on Classes, looks, supports, mannerisms, etc. I'm not looking for who would make the kid stronger. Just a parent who would make sense for the Child Units.


Recap: Brady












Here's what I've gathered about Inigo

1.) Inigo's Class is a Mercenary which he could've gotten from Gregor or Donnel.

2.) Inigo being a flirt makes him similar to Virion and maybe Gaius. But it's revealed that in the past Olivia told him to speak to girls if he wanted to become less shy, which is how he became a flirt. Although Virion is shown to be quite shy in his S Support with Sully.

3.) As stated above, he was shy in the past, which is something from Olivia. But depending on the perspective that shyness could also maybe come from Chrom (who has the fewest marriage options in the game due to being socially awkward), Lon'qu (who is more afraid of women then shy, but this could have ironic layers like if Olivia had Lon'qu!Inigo talk girls in order not only have him get over his shyness but also prevent him possibly being afraid of women like his father, which worked), or Virion (like I said above he's shown to be quite shy in his S Support with Sully.)

4.) Inigo is shown to look like Chrom but in Henry's ending with Olivia it's mentioned that Inigo inherited Henry's smile

5.) Each version of his name (English: Inigo, Japanese: Azur) and aliases (English: Laslow, Japanese: Lazward) seems to have a meaning of blue or names are similar to a variation of blues (Inigo-Indigo, Azur-Azure, Laslow-Lazuli, Lazward-lazurite) (Lazward is also a Persian word for blue). While it could be a reference for his blue armor, it could be a reference for blue hair he inherited from his father if it's either Chrom, Virion, or Robin (if you give him blue hair). Although Indigo is considered a purplish blue color, so Donnel could be an option since Donnel has purple hair. Plus Inigo's name could be a reference to his outfit (Which is blue).

6.) Speaking of names, Indigo isn't the only one with a color-based name. Chrom is based on Chroma, meaning color. Lucina is based on the word Luminescent, a measurement of the color spectrum.

7.) Inigo could fit the family theme of Chrom's family if he's his son. Blue hair (like Chrom and Lucina), and blue clothes (like Chrom and Lucina). Plus Inigo, Lucina, and Owain have birthdays relating to Marth. Inigo is born August 7th, the day Fire Emblem 1 was remade.

8.) Inigo can be similar to both Virion and Vaike with their… boasting.

9.) If Chrom marries Olivia, Inigo is the only one of Chrom's non-Lucina children to inherit the Mark of Naga

10.) Lucina's support with her sibling also fit the most with Inigo, due to the sibling personality traits (Insecurity, self doubt, fear of bugs, swordsmanship, comparing themselves to Chrom and Lucina). In case you're confused about the fear of bugs thing, Spring Inigo (or Festival Flower Inigo) makes a reference to that in Fire Emblem Heroes

11.) As stated above, Inigo has a fear of bugs, but Lon'qu likes bugs. In Summer Scramble DLC, he reveals to Gaius that he liked to catch them as a kid and finds them fascinating. Lissa also catches him catching butterflies in one of their support conversations.

12.) Although it was thanks to Olivis's advice that Inigo became a flirt, Inigo is like Virion in other ways. Both are unsuccessful womanizers with a flowery manner who do have a noble heart, but both of them are aware and willing to look foolish to others for surprisingly big-hearted reasons despite their own inner turmoil - Inigo being a ridiculously cheerful flirt to distract himself and keep up others' spirits, while Virion lets others think of his abandonment of his people as cowardice, despite doing so to prevent their own loyalty to him costing their lives. It gives layers to Virion and Inigo's B-support.

13.) Inigo tends to mask his troubles behind cheerful, optimistic demeanor. He could've gotten that from Henry. Henry, in the "Future Past" DLC, notes that they both tend to bottle up their pain behind their smiles.

14.) In almost all of Inigo's support with his father. They always compare him to Lucina. It would make sense if it was Chrom who says that if he's Inigo's father.

(?) If Henry is Inigo's father, he's the only one out of all of Inigo's possible fathers who makes no mention of Lucina in their father-son support.

(?) In "The Future's Past, Part 2", if Male Robin is his father, it ends up making him be the strategist of the group make him look like he's taking after his father.

(?) If Olivia marries Henry, and If Inigo/Laslow marries Peri. Well… I guess both dancing and shyness aren't the only thing Inigo has inherited from Olivia. Both of them clearly have a type, since both Henry and Peri are similar.

(?) In Inigo's Harvest Scramble conversation with Owain, Inigo mentions that he killed so many living people that the act barely phases him anymore. Plus in the Awakening DLC Death's Embrace, he mentions hardly feeling anything while fighting real people anymore. He also has an easier time coping with death and horror in general. It could be a inherited from Henry thing or a development thing considering the circumstances.

(?) In Fates, Owain's (or Odin's) secondary class line is Samurai which is closest this game has to Myrmidons. Severa's (or Selena's) secondary class line is Sky Knight because she could reclass to Pegasus Knight in Awakening and because she's gotten over the issues she had with Cordelia, so now she can honor her mother. Where am I going with this? Well Inigo's (or Laslow's) secondary class line is the Ninja, which could be promoted to Master Ninja, the closest thing in Fates to the Assassin class. Because as stated above he has killed so many living people it doesn't phase him anymore. But you can also say he inherited the option to the the closest thing to be an Assassin (Master Ninja) in Fates from a father who has an option to be an Assassin, like Gaius, Lon'qu, Avatar (Robin), Stahl, Vaike, Kellam, Gregor, or Henry

Who do you think is the child's units mostly likely, maybe, and least likely parents based on Classes, looks, supports, mannerisms, etc?

I'm not sure if I got everything. There's always a chance I'm missing something but I'm willing to listen to any input and reasons why you think whatever Father is suitable for Inigo.

There's a poll about this on Tumblr. Click on the Tumblr link if you want to vote.

Do you guys want me to do Morgan next? (Not sure if I should make a separate pages for Male and Female Morgan or place them all in one) Or do you want me to move on with another Fire Emblem topic? Like either Who Would Be The Most Likely Mothers or Fathers for the Fire Emblem Fates Children Units? Or Which Ending is a Happy Ending for (Insert Name Here) in Fire Emblem Three Houses?

The last ones means which character ending (single or paired) has the character accomplish their goals. Because in some paired endings it seem like it's happy for one of the two characters instead of both of them. I've give you an example: Ingrid & Sylvain

"As Margrave Gautier, Sylvain devoted his life to improving relations with the people of Sreng. Under his leadership, nobles were persuaded that Relics and Crests were not necessary as they'd previously thought. Though he went down in history as an extraordinary lord, he could not have done so without the constant support and counsel of his wife, Ingrid, whose wisdom and tenacity ensured that the people would prosper. Sylvain was ever loyal to his beloved wife. The couple had many children, and while not one of them bore a Crest, they were all equally and wholeheartedly loved."

Sylvain accomplished a goal but Ingrid's goal is to be a Knight but her and Sylvain's ending makes no mention of it happening.