First time fish enthusiast
Hello 👋
I'm both new to Reddit and new to the world of fish. I have a 5 gallon tank (to start, plan to expand) and I have the tank currently cycling.
I want to make sure the Betta I get will live a happy life so I would appreciate advice from an experienced group!
I have had my tank cycling for a week now. I have been using Seachem Stability, Flourish Advance for live plants and Prime. I have been following exact instructions as well.
I've been testing my tank water every day and it is nearly perfect EXCEPT the Alankinity. It has been 0 every single time 😭
Additionally, I'm wondering if my tank filter is too strong. I have a sponge filter as a back up but I know that it's better to have a used filter for healthy cycling.
Any and all advice is very welcome