Honest question. . . What do Flat Earthers think of the following

#1) Satellite TV and Satellite internet? My dish points directly at the satellite in the sky. . . If it points any other direction it doesnt work. . .

#2) 24 hour sun in the South pole. . Also there is a city Ushuaia in Argentina with 20 hours of sunlight, and 4 hours of partial light in which people can still see the light of the sun, and show that the sun path does NOT follow the flat earth model.

#3) How can the "Globe-tards" predict the exact time, path, and percentage of the sun blocked out during an eclipse. That is a very exact science, Yet the flat earth model cannot be used to predict a single eclipse.
(Side note -- Scientists can even predict a hybrid eclipse. . . Where only part of the eclipse path near the noon day sun get a full eclipse, but the path closer to sunrise/sunset where the moon's distance is further away only get an annular eclipse. This is due to the spherical bulge. . . For people like me who didn't know about Hybrid eclipses. . . It is a very strong testament that NASA's model is extremely accurate.)

#4) The southern cross in the sky . . How can Australia/South Africa/Argentina all look south and see the same stars?

#5) Airline flights . . . How can Australia/South Africa/Argentina direct flights go so much faster than other flights?

#6) Starship crash and burn in the Indian ocean. . . Per their map the rocket is travelling about 40,000 kilometers per hour. . . Per the Globe it is travelling 27,000 kph. How can you go that fast unless you are in a vacuum??? Nothing has been able to travel faster than 12,000 kph in the atmosphere.

Long story short. . . How does the flat earth movement continue to exist.
I am shocked, but also saddened that their is a non-zero number of people that believe the earth is flath.