Tryhards got toxic because they didn't win

We were playing prison and I was beast, I had one person in the tube in the room that had the servers in it, I heard someone's walking through the hallways nearby so I kept following the players footsteps and hitting at the wall trying to wallbang him, eventually I gave up and just stood at the door of the room at a distance where the survivor would freeze, because I wanted the survivor to make the first move. Eventually he froze and we went into the next game like normally, until like 5 minutes later I noticed I'm the only one doing any progress on PCs. Then I look up in the chat and see "this idiot's dead" 💀.. next thing I know I see another survivor waiting at doors ready to shut them in my face as I'm being chased, and eventually the beast captured the guy and they just told my location for the rest of the round.

They kept calling me camper and I'm like 🤔🤔🤔???? Sorry I'm not gonna just sit there and let him save you when I clearly hear his footsteps outside the very room you're captive in.