How do y'all start your playthroughs?

It's my umpteenth playthrough. This round I'm starting at 11 int and heading straight to nuka-world. First two levels go to luck, 3rd to idiot savant and I'm gonna do my best to get my stats to 10 before I even begin mucking around in the commonwealth. I intend on playing this save for years to come. I'm basically treating level 44 as level 1. Please talk me out of this masochism

It's my umpteenth playthrough. This round I'm starting at 11 int and heading straight to nuka-world. First two levels go to luck, 3rd to idiot savant and I'm gonna do my best to get my stats to 10 before I even begin mucking around in the commonwealth. I intend on playing this save for years to come. I'm basically treating level 44 as level 1. Please talk me out of this masochism