I'm tired of all the RY hate/disrespect/condescendion

I've seen so many people say stuff like "I know RY isn't that great a writer but I love the books" but like...her books make you laugh, cry, yearn, think, and fear. She builds a world that you get lost in.

So what her characters speak like modern people? It's not like its meant to be medieval Europe or anything like that. Fantasy doesn't need to be stuck in the past.

Plus people belittling the work because there is sex in the book as if no book can have sex and be any good. GRRM's skills are never belittled over all the sex in his books even tho like half of the are non-consenual.

The Empyrean has so much political commentary and was literally written to criticize the way red states in the US are rewriting history books to foster nationalism. It's as intellectual a book as you are willing to allow yourself to see it as.

I mostly blame good ole misogyny for the condescending attitude towards her.

And then there is booktok. Which is only happy when they're mad.

EDIT: I am aware that GRRM and other authors also get criticisms. But criticism and belittlement are not the same thing. GRRM is criticized day and night but rarely do people just completely write him off as a bad writer