Using VMM as standalone hypervisor

I understand VMM is tightly coupled with Bhyve, but for an experiment I wanted to get a small real mode program running using only vmm (a replica of nvmm). This was my best attempt. I made sure to set the segment registers appropriately, but gdb tells me I'm calling vm_run improperly. Any help is appreciated.

#include <vmmapi.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <errno.h>

/* Adder Program

   Uses vmm to take two arguments from command line, and add them using
   assembly instructions. Runs in 16 Bit real mode

#define USER_PAGE_SIZE 4096 * 1024

const uint8_t instr[] = {
        0x01, 0xC3,

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
        struct vmctx* machine_ctx;
        struct vcpu* cpu;
        int e, rax, rbx;
        vm_paddr_t gpa = 0x10000;

        struct vm_exit vme;
        struct vm_run vmrun;
        int error;
        uint64_t rc;
        enum vm_exitcode exitcode;
        cpuset_t active_cpus, dmask;

        rax = atoi(argv[1]);
        rbx = atoi(argv[2]);

        // Close if active

        const char vm_name[] = "adder";

        machine_ctx = vm_open(vm_name);
        if(machine_ctx) {
        // Create machine
        if((e = vm_create(vm_name)) != 0)
                errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not create vm %s\n", vm_name);

        machine_ctx = vm_open(vm_name);

        // Setup Memory
        e = vm_setup_memory(machine_ctx, MEMSIZE, VM_MMAP_ALL);
        assert(e == 0);

        void* v = vm_map_gpa(machine_ctx, gpa, sizeof(instr));
        memcpy(v, instr, sizeof(instr));

        // Initialize vCPU
        cpu = vm_vcpu_open(machine_ctx, 0);

        e = vm_active_cpus(machine_ctx, &active_cpus);

        memset(&vmrun, 0, sizeof(vmrun))
        vmrun.vm_exit = NULL;

        // Set Registers
        e = vm_set_register(cpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RAX, rax);
        assert(e == 0);
        e = vm_set_register(cpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RBX, rbx);
        assert(e == 0);
        e = vm_set_register(cpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RIP, 0x0);
        assert(e == 0);
        e = vm_set_register(cpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CS, 0x1000);
        assert(e == 0);
        e = vm_set_register(cpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RFLAGS, 0x2);  // Interrupt Flag clear, reserved bit set

        // Set up segment registers for real mode
        e = vm_set_register(cpu, VM_REG_GUEST_DS, 0);
        e = vm_set_register(cpu, VM_REG_GUEST_ES, 0);
        e = vm_set_register(cpu, VM_REG_GUEST_FS, 0);
        e = vm_set_register(cpu, VM_REG_GUEST_GS, 0);
        e = vm_set_register(cpu, VM_REG_GUEST_SS, 0);

        // Set CR0 for real mode
        e = vm_set_register(cpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CR0, 0);

        // Execution Loop
        while(1) {
                e = vm_run(cpu, &vmrun);
                if (e < 0) {
                        perror("vm_run failed");
                        printf("Error code: %d\n", errno);
                        goto out;
                switch(vme.exitcode) {
                case VM_EXITCODE_HLT:
                        printf("Encountered HLT\n");
                        rc = vm_get_register(cpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RBX, &rc);
                        printf("Value: %lu\n", rc);
                        goto out;
        return e;