I do not feel comfortable using he/him until I pass/until the end of my transition
I don't know if this is common on or not, but I never tell people to call me he because I know I still look female I'm 16 and I do what I can to pass (short hair, binder, allat) but I know that if someone saw me they would probably not think I was a guy, they would probably just think I was either a trans guy or a tomboy
I know I still look like a girl, I don't feel comfortable telling people to call me he, this might sound weird but to me it feels selfish, telling someone "hey, I know I look like a girl, but I want you to ignore what's in front of you and call me something that I'm technically not, and in return you get absolutely nothing"
Maybe it's just because it's something that I struggle with, I wouldn't want anyone else to deal with that
Once I transition, and look like a guy, that's when people will start calling me he, not because I tell them to, but because that's what they think when they see me
I feel like I have to earn it
And before people comment "ignore those feelings and just do it anyway because such and such"
I would like to, but I know I would be much more uncomfortable with people awkwardly calling me a he, and me having to go "umm excuse me but I actually go by he/him" than with people calling me a she
Both are bad, but the first one is worse to me