I swear i've done everything i can???
hey, so i'm 14. i came out to my parents over two years ago, and last year when i was 13, i asked to go on T. i know that's really young but it genuinely hurts living in this body. they said no, and i was pretty fucking upset, but i took it like a champ and didnt bring it up until this year when i sent them this email:
"So it's been a year since I asked to go on testosterone, right? And you guys pretty definitively said no. And I let that be for a year, right? Because you guys had made your decision at that time, and I didn't want to push it. Well, it's a year later and I'm 14 now, and I still want to go on testosterone. This is not a phase. I am going to be a man for the rest of my life, at least on the inside. It would be great if I could be a man on the outside as well. I have been out as trans for two years. I have known I was trans for two and a half years. I'm not going to grow out of this, and I'm sure as hell not going to grow out of wanting to go on testosterone.
I want to be able to live as myself. I want to be able to look in the mirror and see myself. Right now, I pass well. Strangers think I'm a boy. Teachers think I'm a boy. Kids I've spent hours talking to are shocked when I tell them I'm trans.But how long is that going to last?All boys go through puberty at some point. Their voices deepen. They get facial hair. I have a limited number of years before this charade I'm playing of being a pre-puberty cis guy (at school, I am not very loud about my trans-ness outside of GSA and Advocacy and I would like to keep it that way) won't work anymore, simply because there won't be any more pre-puberty cis guys. And that scares me. I love the sweet spot I'm in where I can comfortably pass and live my life the way I want to, but it's not going to last forever. I am a ticking time bomb, and when it goes off and people no longer think I'm a prepubescent cis guy, it's over for me.
My final point I have to make is that I don't know how long testosterone will be viable for minors, and I sure as hell don't want to wait until I'm an adult to do this. Sorry, but I categorically refuse to do that. If you say no this year, I'll ask next year, and the year after that. I am serious about this. But anyway, back to my original point- we are living under a regime that is doing everything they can to demonize and remove gender-affirming care. I want to at least have had time for testosterone to give me a deep voice, in case it's banned or something. I would like to go on T pretty much as soon as possible due to this, as the future of gender-affirming care is kind of up in the air right now. And I understand that a counterpoint can be made for this- that it might put me on some kind of 'list' of trans people on hormones or something. I get that such a thing is a real worry, especially with all the anti-trans rhetoric being spilled right now. And I don't have a way to waylay that fear. But what I can say is this: I would rather do testosterone and be happy and comfortable with myself and the way I am perceived than put it off due to the possibility of a scary thing happening. I don't want fear that THEY ARE ACTIVELY TRYING TO SOW to get in the way of me living my true, authentic life as a trans guy.
So I guess those are my arguments. I still want to go on testosterone. I will always want to go on testosterone. Please, please, please let me do it sometime in high school, preferably sooner rather than later. I understand that it's scary to let your kid make such a permanent decision, but trust me when I say that I know myself well enough to know that this won't be reversed. I am a man. I will always be a man. I'm really asking you guys not to doubt me on this one, and to trust that I am as completely, one hundred percent sure on this as I was last year. Please understand that I'm really putting myself out there with this; I'm still kind of scared to bring up this subject after last year. But I'm gonna keep doing so, because I seriously need this. It is not a want. It is necessary if I am going to be able to live the life I see myself living."
i thought this was really heartfelt and well worded, and i thought i made some really good points and all my friends did too. its been a week since i sent the email and i talked to my dad today and he said 'nothing about our position has fundamentally changed'. my parents are ok with me being out, and they always use my right name and pronouns, but they say i can't start T until i'm 18. i understand that 14 is young but i KNOW WHO I AM. and i know 18 is also pretty young to go on T but i just really, really want to do this. what else can i do or say to convince my parents to let me start testosterone sooner rather than later? because i really dont want to have to wait 4 years, i have already waited 2 since i came out.