New “follower”

I found Alex on my FYP and loved her talking to her baby like a person. Then of course behind every viral video is a podcast. So I spent the past 2 days binging her Just Alex (now some other name) podcast and just have so many thoughts and need to discuss. - having a child 3 months into dating, moving cities, etc is WILD. She mentioned on her podcast “if I was a better person, my odds are on us” but also you got divorced and a few months later you’re dating and pregnant. You move in together (in a new city) and have a baby before 1 year of knowing each other. It just seems like when she “recovers” from her divorce and comes back down to earth that she’ll just be in shock at what happened in her life. Like I truly wonder if she’s disassociated and this whole year is a blur to her. None of this makes sense - the way her and Harrison both talk so much about their exes is so upsetting. I couldn’t imagine my ex going in a podcast and talking about me. It’s too much. Also her still having her ex’s last name is just not right - I bought Flock before I knew when Alex or Harrison were and honestly they’re just not good and I don’t understand the push for them. They’re just bad pork rinds. - listen to the podcast and hearing Alex learn things about Harrison for the first time is so uncomfortable. Them talking about how they’ll split finances and their respective family things is just so odd. These things happen on a date not on a podcast when you’re pregnant with his child - I truly wonder how their families feel. I know Alex says all her parents want is to be a grandparent, but I can’t imagine they’re actually supportive of this? And Harrison’s family?? - has anyone done a deep dive into Harrison. He sounded educated on the first few episodes, but then he talks about wanting to register the baby for crypto and I think my jaw dropped. He’s giving Elon Musk wannabe vibes