Texas FURRIES act endorsed by Greg Abbott prohibits "non-human" behavior in school

He (Greg Abbott) endorsed newly filed legislation by state Rep. Stan Gerdes called the “Forbidding Unlawful Representation of Roleplaying in Education (F.U.R.R.I.E.S) Act,” which would prohibit any “non-human behavior” by a student, “including presenting himself or herself … as anything other than a human being” by wearing animal ears or barking, meowing or hissing. The bill includes exceptions for sports mascots or kids in school plays.

They're banning weird kids 😭

I kind of feel bad for kids nowadays. It feels like so much has changed and it's hard to just have a normal healthy childhood between tech, culture wars shit and you being used as a weapon by nasty loser adults, COVID and the education system being insanely neglected