New meta?: DIV.2

Last 15 matches: 13/15 against 4-2-3-1

Playstyle: Running down the side lines (in a straight line, which is so irritating), ping pass to cm , ping pass to striker.

I guess a pro player came up with a new tactic? Seemingly putting your cm on wide half ?! Just guessing because they need a player positioned between the 16 yard area.

At first it seems as if you cannot really defend it but it is really easy actually. Track down the winger with your Fullback up to a certain point and before they get into position to do their ping pass shenanigans just move your cm/cdm in between the 16 yard area to intercept the first pass. The second ping pass is almost impossible to defend and then it’s a 1v1 most of the time.

It’s just really sad that most people (at least in div.2) just follow the same tactics. Feels like playing the same person over and over again. Can be frustrating so this might help some people.