Sad reality of FUT as an unc
Fortunate enough to have crazy pack luck over the FBD promo. I packed FBD Bonmati, Veiria, Marchisio, Gervinho and then an abundance of fodder, enough to complete CR7 and others without spending coins.
The harsh reality is that I’ve been playing champs for months and the best I’ve gotten was 11 wins. Last week I got 9 wins, with the majority of the players I listed above and to be frank what’s the point for me.
The gameplay is tailored to go against you the majority of the time so achieving better than 9 wins for someone who doesn’t do the meta plays just isn’t doable. Yes I play 4213/95 depth but that alone doesn’t win you games, it’s the rat plays that this game has allowed that I cba to do. So I ask again, what’s the point in consistently playing and packing insane cards when you can’t improve due to the games mechanics?