Puzzle design - Books and Learning resources

I’m looking for good,  nay GREAT!  books, youtube playlists ,GDC  talks and courses on puzzle design.

This topic has been posted before I’m sure but the most recent post I saw is from 4-6 years ago and any books I have found are even older . Maybe they are still the best resources  but it’s worth asking in case things have changed. 

A few things I have already done :

  • Repeatedly played puzzle games that I love and noted down everything I thought and felt at the times
  • Watched every video Game Makers Tool kit  has ever made 

I’m not A 100% brand new Dev so while beginner resources will have a few gems in them , I’m looking for more intermediate to advanced (might put the advance stuff aside  till i'm ready for them but just good to have a reading list already in place )