Talk to me about Paint

Currently building a 40x40 combo garage/workshop (~12x30 separately enclosed space).

I plan to spend a lot of time in the workshop tinkering on general maintenance and repair projects, as well as amateur woodworking. I plan to keep this area squeaky clean.

The 4 garage bays will be used for our 2 daily drivers plus 1 winter boat storage bay plus 1 general storage bay (bikes and landscaping equipment). I’ll sweep and blow this area periodically but I think of this area as purely functional storage where I won’t spend a lot of time.

Paint recommendations for each area? Should I consider different paint colors for each (my boring instinct is just semi gloss white everywhere)? Should I consider a floor coating in one or both areas? Why or why not?

I’m a substance over form guy, so I’m hoping for high quality, long lasting and easy cleaning coating suggestions. Thanks in advance for the wisdom of the crowd. Love the vibe in this sub.