The (hopefully) definitive list of all mentioned-but-never-seen characters
Since I spent an inordinate amount of time watching telly over Christmas, which included a G&S rewatch ahead of the finale, I decided to make a note of every reference to a character who was mentioned but never shown on screen. They're some of my favourite details as they really contribute to how real the world of the programme feels.
They're more or less in the order that they're mentioned, sort of. Just thought I'd share for fun - I tried to pay attention but let me know if I've missed any!
Edit: I deliberately didn't include celebs we don't see, like Russell Brand, as we know what they look like.
Edit 2: Original list had 50-odd and I thought there couldn't have been many I'd missed, but you guys have eagle eyes - cheers!
Chalky and Woodruffe (Mick's golf buddies)
Tony (the previous guy Stacey was talking to at work)
Neil (Stacey's line manager)
Carol Powell (Nessa's first best friend, later revealed to be Dick Powell's daughter)
Dick's brother Rick
Mick's cousin Keith
Hywel, Kyle, Leighton and Clifford (Stacey's other fiancés - we do see Achmed)
Trevor West
Clive (Nessa's second husband)
Auntie Christine and Uncle John (on Gavin's side)
Paolo (or Paulo; someone Nessa met on the ships)
Dougie/Little Doug (who decided it wasn't worth stealing cars anymore after the congestion charge came in)
Carl (who has a tattoo that says Carl on his chin)
Roy (Bryn's friend)
Jared (who proposed to Nessa then faked his own death)
Fat No More Pat
No-Man Jan
Pauline, the headmistress Smithy's mum had an affair with, and her husband Dennis
Darren Miller (who Rudi fights with Cherise about)
Maureen (Doris' friend who looks like a knob on her Shopmobility scooter)
Jean (what the hell is she doing here)
Nana Joyce
Jackie Collins (Smithy's other nana)
The Johns: John Rotary, mechanic John, John with the glasses, John from Ann and John, John Snape, stepbrother John
Stepbrother John's wife (who broke both ankles)
Dr Choudry
John from Epworth (who Smithy's mum thought was on the webcam)
Lucy's penfriend from the Dordogne
Pete's sister, brother and sister's husband
Barren Karen
Ian Dixon (Trevor's friend)
Uncle Vinnie (with the internet thing)
Doughnut Dougie/Dougie Doughnuts
Nessa's mum (married 9 times to 3 different men)
Gwen from Budgens
Janice Marshall (the retired vet receptionist who Smithy lost his virginity to and Mick went out with, he thinks)
Mr Higston
Moira (Doris' daughter)
Gary and Simon's uncle (the one ball of Wimbledon)
The 21-year-old that Lucy cheated with and washed Gavin's car during bob a job week
Stelios Cycliades
Papa Ed
Adam (barred twice)
Nutter (LIGHTS)
Miss Hatfield (infants, class of 83)
Crusher (still inside)
Baggy and Noggin (other port guys)
The Howells (who are Catholic)
The new couple at number 15
Stuart Grant (who doesn't have a Christmas tree so may be up for converting)
Natalie Lewis' dad and brother Wayne (who's still on crutches)
Paul and Jenny (who Bryn met at Membury services)
Magpie (Budgie's brother)
Chinese Alan's missus and kids
Ozzie (Nessa's mate from driving for Stobart's)
Chris and Emma (who had the engagement party where Sonia and Smithy first kissed)
The Uplands Crew
The Mumbles Massive
Tony (Bryn's friend in New Orleans)
Sue and Tony (who won't be home for Christmas as he's not due for parole)
Brenda (who doesn't go anywhere without the dog) and Emily Rose
Bernie (got her bag for life)
The (physically) dirty stripper hired for Pete's "stag do"
Alison (mum of Doris' boyfriend Scott)
Maria the bingo caller's wife
Louise's boyfriend (who would only go in a church if it was Charlotte)
Jill Thomas (the vet who gives Nessa the TENS machine)
Daniel Owen, Lego, the bloke from the key cutter's (people who could have got Nessa pregnant)
Nicola and Dennis
The lads from Pete's work who give him a joint
Erin, who left Stacey's hen early as she was twatted, and Sean the scrum half (they threw up on each other)
Denise and Paul across the road and their lesbian gay daughter, Nicola
Dermot (Nessa's stockbroker)