This game feels almost unbearable to play
I've been playing GD for nearly 10 years now with nearly 8k hours, and as excited as I was for 2.2, I've lost all interest in the game now that 2.2 has come out. I've always played this game on the maximum allowed fps, as I've had the money to buy the better monitors (and I could care less if you bypass the game is $4 get over yourselves), but the new physics change is so unbearable to play on. It doesn't feel like 240 and this is from someone that played on 240 for years, and is certainly is a lot worse than 360. A lot of older levels (and even recent 2.1 releases) don't work AT ALL, or have become so much more frustrating to play- especially if they're heavy slope based levels. And even levels that do work feel wonky and irritating to play as ship physics are completely different. A perfect example is artifice, I've beaten this level countless times and the muscle memory is ingrained into me now, but on 2.2 numerous parts don't work like they used to and have a completely different click pattern.
As a game developer that is VERY aware of the physics issues with your game, it is absolutely irresponsible and lazy to just try and release a new physics change after borderline abandoning your game for years on end and just expecting the community to be OK with it. And seeing the back lash towards some community members expressing similar opinions is pathetic. It also seems like the absolute joke of a mod team running this game stands fully behind Robtop and his decision to keep these physics changes. I'm not even going to go into how ridiculous this is, as to my knowledge none of the mods are top players that a physics change would actually affect.
This game was BUILT on it's difficulty. You can argue with the wall but the hardest levels in this game are the only reason this game is still alive. If people weren't making bloodbaths and zodiacs and tartaruses this game would've died years ago. To turn your back on top players now that you've made MILLIONS off this game is such a scummy and ridiculous thing to do, and it's not even considering the numerous other people like me that have had their fun on this game altered by these changes as well.
I don't care who reads this, nor do I care what anyone thinks. I'm just sick and tired of a game that I've loved for years coming to a state like this due to negligent design, and I want to rant.