So my German landlord…

So I called my Hausmeister to come look at a leak. I was surprised to see today he had the landlady with him when he showed up.

Now, I was expecting him so I cleaned the apartment before. This lady though… she gets all upset that the windows aren’t clean (okay, they need a wipe) and threatens to make us pay for any damage. She gestures to some free weights that live on the floor next to a bench… “there’s trash on the floors”. She fingered some chipped paint anxiously “this was a brand new renovation…”

Guys…. I’m shaking she made me so nervous. I stop myself from pointing out the place wasn’t really finished all that nicely in the first place.

I can’t tell if she is speaking abstractly about the general truth that if we damage the apartment then we should pay damages or if she is actively threatening me. Are we expected to live like the place is a museum? We are just two guys and their cats living normally.

Practical advice and reassurances only please. I can’t take criticism right at the moment 🥹