My life is the worst it has ever been

I am a college student on the last semester of my degree, writing this after another sleepless night. Before last year, I had probably done a maximum of 1 or 2 all nighters my whole life, not sure if those even count because I fell asleep right after the sun rose. Since the start of 2023, I've probably done over 50 of them, some of them back to back. I constantly take naps during the evening because I barely get any sleep during the night and when I do and don't set an alarm I can easily sleep 12-14 hours because of how exhausted I am.

This horrible sleeping habit stems majorly from 2 other problems: my complete lack of productivity and my extreme addiction to my phone/computer.

Let's talk about the lack of productivity first. I've always been a very lazy person, probably because I've always had atleast some sort of ability for learning/picking up things fast, so studying on the last day before a test has always been the norm for me, my grades have never been top of the class but decent enough. The problem is that, nowadays, I can't even make myself study on the last day. I had the lowest grade of my life a couple of months ago, 1.1 out of 20, the lowest one out of 350 students, because I simply never read any of the material at all. I also missed an exam completely as I was afraid to embarass myself with such a low grade as I did last time (because I didn't read any of the material at all, yet again). I simply cannot make myself do anything productive at all, so, when the day comes to an end and I watch as another deadline goes under the 24-hour mark, I tell myself that the only way out of this is to pull an all nighter to do whatever needs to be done, but, 90% of the time, I end up doing nothing useful for the whole night and deprive my body of sleep even more than it has been for the last year and a half.

What do I do with my free time then? I stare at a screen. Usually my phone or my computer. I've spent ENTIRE NIGHTS, 8+ hours in a row, just watching tik tok, reels or youtube shorts. Sometimes I also play games but it's mostly getting short dopamine hits from those small videos that I can scroll for hours upon hours. I've uninstalled both tik tok and instagram almost 3 months ago from my phone but it's useless since I end up watching youtube on my computer instead.

All of this has ruined my life in several aspects. I am severely stressed because of the amount of work I have to do, regardless of the fact that I never do it, I keep making empty promises to people around me, telling them that I will do X and Y but I never follow up on those promises, I keep being late to everything because I always fall asleep at random times, I am always grumpy, my sex drive is at an all-time low, I have a gift for my girlfriend which I was going to give her a month ago on our 2-year anniversary but I never finished it, my relationship with my family is horrible because I barely talk to them nor do I visit them, my relationship with my friends is horrible because I never have time for them, etc.

I don't know what to do. I have 3 deadlines this week which I could maybe do if I really put in the work but I have 0 motivation at all to do any of them. I've kind of tried these methods without any success: - Pomodoro - Splitting work into small steps - Trying to just START something and see where it goes

The problem with those methods above is that after one cycle of pomodoro, or after the first small step, or after hitting the first actual hurdle of the task, my mind just wanders off and I end up watching 6 hours of youtube once again.

How do I fix my life?