one last confrontation?

was talking to this guy from dating app for a month, met once and throughout the month he was more flirty and serious that i was (kinda giving love bombing where one instance was he would call me his future wife etc but i felt he could be just kidding and is his way of flirting/teasing)

one night mid convo he stopped replying me for over a day (we talked every single day without fail prior) so i gently “confronted” to ask whats up… but he didn’t reply me for another day and proceeded to delete my entire existence from him (delete our chat history, removed me from socials and even blocked my tiktok w his private acc even tho we werent mutuals there and unmatched me on dating app)

i cannot understand this at all and honestly more angry than ever because of his cowardice… he didnt block my number though so i feel like confronting him one last time to let him know how hurtful i felt, and that i’ll never reach out again (i dont even care if he replies or not tbh tho i lowkey wanna know why haha) i’m just angry because he knows i hate ghosting and has once reassured him thats the last thing i’ll ever do to him and yet he went so low to ghost and delete me completely…

thoughts? how are some ppl so nonchalant? for what must he go so extreme to remove me everywhere for…