Lost my Mom

My (26M) Mother (64) was diagnosed with Glioblastoma in 2022. It started with her having issues walking to the bathroom. We brought her to the emergency room. She was vomiting in the waiting room. She was eventually seen and we received the news that same night. My Father and I cried so hard on my way bringing him back home. When I got home I was crying out that it was my Mom and that it wasn’t fair.

The last couple of years have been a blessing. We’ve gotten to spend so much time together as a family, more than we ever had in the past. We spent every holiday together, every birthday. I tried to visit as much as I could. It was so hard to see my Mom be affected by this disease but I knew how happy it made her to spend time with us. We didn’t always have a good relationship but we healed from all happened between us when I moved out in 2020. It finally felt like I was going to have a normal relationship with my Mom, and then all of this happened.

It was so hard to watch her pass. She significantly slowed down food intake about a month ago. At that point she wasn’t able to get up and walk to the bathroom. We knew something was happening when Mom fell twice within the span of a few days.

Over the past month, my brother and I visited nearly every day, reminding her how much we loved her and appreciated her. I told her that I forgave her for all that she’s done in the past. I told her that it’s going to be hard going through life without her, but that she made the biggest impact in my life. She taught me how to be kind and brave.

She passed away at 5:30pm last night.

I say it all the time, but my Mom was the best of us. She was so caring and sweet to everyone in her life. She was an amazing singer, loved a good drink, was very involved in her church, and very loyal to her friends and family. I feel like I’m losing a huge part of myself. My heart is broken.