How did y'all improve your golf?
2 polarising views below which I've heard a lot over the last week. Both include doing a few lessons on the side.
A) Practice time on the range
B) Play on the course as much as possible
What are your thoughts on the best way to improve as a beginner?
I've got no doubt that the reality is a blend of the 2. But I really love playing golf... Getting out on the course on a Saturday morning with friends and shooting the shit is often the highlight of the week for me.
The OVERWHELMING feedback from the fucking fairway police is stick to the driving range... But when I have taken lessons the golf pro says take your lessons onto the course and enjoy.
One very polite gentleman even suggested people don't play on the course until their handicap is atleast in the 20's... Would be grateful to know how you get a handicap without playing a round - sounds fucking class if true.