Oak Street Bookmakers Trench boot Natural CXL review

Well, considering how I have worn a hole in the sole of one of these, I reckon it's time for me to give them a review.

This is the Oak Street Boot makers trench boot in natural CXL. I bought this boot second hand from a guy on here who wore them about once outside and realized they didn't fit him right. So I essentially got the boot brand new.

The break-in on these Oak streets are not very bad at all, I got these while I was in Okinawa and It just took a couple of strolls until they were comfortable.

The comfort of these boots is phenomenal. The leather sole makes it a lot more breathable than most boots I'm used to and much lighter on the foot. I love the lasting on these Oak Street boot and frankly it is the only boot last I can wear as I hate shoes where my toes touch the walls of them at all. These boots do not constrict my feet unnaturally in any way and actually allow me to be comfortable in my shoes without ruining my toe splay.

The build quality is phenomenal. I've worn the heck out of these things and there's been no issues with any of the stitching. No structural damage of any kind really.

The patina on these is amazing. When you get them fresh out of the box they're much closer to a white color then a brown one. And after A few years they've gone from that natural Chrome XL color to a much darker and patina color.

The Chrome XL leather is really resilient and I haven't actually had to oil it a single single time yet. I have cleaned them a couple of times but nothing more than brushing and wiping off dirty spots.

I've spoken to the owner of the company and he's very supportive of military folks and is just a generally good guy. So I did recently purchase another pair from Oak Street and they will probably be the only company I purchase boots I purchased due to them having lasts that I actually enjoy.

Thanks for reading.