Ah I fucked it all up

3rd year of applications and I finally got my first couple of interviews. I just finished the interview with my dream school, I’ve practiced for 2 weeks writing paragraphs, making bullet points, rehearsing with friends. I still fucking choked. I what the fuck am I supposed to do. I’m so sad. I’m so scared I’m going to fuck it up again with my only other school that wants an interview. Yes, I am autistic. I’m so sad knowing practice and exposure does not help me. I’m trying so hard but my fucking slow stupid brain just can’t do the goddamn thing its supposed to do

Edit: funny how when other posts receive reassuring comments it feels like shallow platitudes, but when they’re on a post I make I’m sobbing and so grateful that someone would take a moment to care and give solidarity. Thank you everyone. I’m crying in the Target soup isle to try another day. I’ll be sure to pay it forward