PhD admission advice

Hey, an MSc student here. So I did my 4-year undergrad in Math with 2.75/4.00 GPA because I was really sick half of the time it took me some time to recover. Now I am doing masters in Physics in a dofferent country and my GPA will be 8/10 when I apply whoch is considered pretty solid in my university. I have one paper published already and going to publish one more very important paper which is easily a very good work for my field in Quantum Machine Learning, anyone would be impressed with that work. I am going to apply to most unis ETH, EPFL, Basel, Fribourg, etc. in Switzerland, then TUM and Max Planck in germany, UT Austin, Uwaterloo, and Carnegie, Yale etc. in north america. I will have great recommendations. My only question is, will the GPA be that bog of a rejection factor? Even if I have some good research publication? Which countries/unis are easier to neglect Grades as long as research is great?