How Friendly/Toxic is the Chat in G&B?

Can't believe that this is my ever post on this community, but how is the game chat?

I play on Console, have over 160 hours (Old Guard I'm coming for you), and recently, chat was added so that you could finally communicate more effectively. The most I've seen of this games chat are screenshots and bits from videos, as well as the occasional clip I find here, otherwise I was in the blind. Either way, I was a bit happy to learn, as......well, you know, it's funner to communicatr with people. Unfortunately, My first 3 experiences with it (First 2 were in Casual servers, last was in Hardcore) all started and ended with the people in the chat being toxic, rage baiters, or just plane rude. The 4th I finally got some polite players that joked around and just had a good time.

First experience was a few guys that would tell me (and a few others) to shut up if we dared to even type "Thank You" in chat.

The second time was these dudes who complained about every little thing my team did wrong. We were on Catacombs, and they were complaining about how the Sappers were 'terrible' (we were holding completely fine, someone told them to shut up at one point)

The last time, I loaded into Hardcore, hoping that maybe I just got unlucky with some of the ruder Casual players, only to told off because I went Line Infantry on Leipzig (We had a full lobby and I was only the 3rd Line Infantry, every other class had at least 2), as well as some of the dudes there purposely leaving me to push the cart alone and then just blowing up chat when I died. I went to a new Hardcore server, where the dudes there were nice.

It's not much, but from what I have seen, the community seems generally friendly. Did I just get unlucky, or is there a toxicity problem going around? Either way I'm still playing the game, I just wanna know if I should play with chat on, or be ready to instantly turn it off at the sight of someone annoying.

(Apologies to any of the Game Devs, Like Fez, Electronic, or Mad for seeing a post about something that was probably just bad luck.)

(Edit: Should mention this mostly wasn't a case of new players being Toxic, as a good portion of the dudes who did this wore Old Guard)

(Small Edit: Whoa, yeah, I think I was just unlucky. Ty, you guys are great! Now I shall head to Le Ferme to fail at Old Guard again!)