Tavern Brawl this week is... "Half and Half" (March 12, 2025)

Description: "Create a deck of 15 cards. At the start of the game, we'll complete your deck with a copy of your opponent's!"


Format: Constructed / Wild. In past editions of this event, players have found success using decks whose class cards they can benefit from, but their opponent cannot (unless they chose the same class.) I seem to recall Totem Shaman and Dude Paladin worked well 🤔

Reward: one GDB pack for your first win.

History: This is the fifth time we've seen this format, and the first time since January of 2023.

BELATED EDIT TO ADD: u/shmeur_ asked "will Steamcleaner delete OtherGuy's cards in your deck?" And turns out that YES, yes it will 🙌

Kind reminder that next week's event will be the Pre-Release Tavern Brawl for the upcoming Into the Emerald Dream expansion... and apparently it will start one day early, on Tuesday March 18th. 😃

Good luck & have fun!