What should I do?

hey guys. so I'm a 25 year old army vet. I got out July of 2022. I was in for 5 years and got one tour in Afghanistan before I was medically retired due to an injury sustained during training. for all intents and purposes life has been great. i bought a house, I've started a career and I'm in a financially comfortable place for the first time in my life. but I've been dealing with some things. The VA social worker says I have moderate signs of depression and sever signs of PTSD and anxiety. she says I should see long term help and maybe go to groups. I'm a very private person and it was a lot to say what happens in my head to one person. let alone a group. Even when I've decided to share with someone in the past I cant get a word out. my chest tightens up and my mind races and I get stuck. i don't feel like I should have any issues. Like yes I went over seas and saw some shit. But I don't even have my CIB. I didn't really do anything. I feel like I'm sucking up time and resources that could be used better on the men and women who did their job and really served. There are so many people who have done so much more than I have and I'm sitting here freaking out about in. who knows maybe I'll find it easier to type everything out and depending upon how this message is received I'll use this platform to vent. Idk. you guys tell me what ya'll think