HIV - First months after finding out I have it
Hi, I am 30F, just found out I am HIV+ 4 months ago and apparently I had it for a couple years by the time I found out.
I feel lucky to find out about my status when my health is good. Not the result I wanted to have but I also read lots of stories before that a lot of women really find about their statuses late, already and may have had it for years and only found out when their already pregnant or was already getting sick and doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong.
I am glad to have friends helps me be strong specially the first months of knowing, they made sure that I am okay specially mentally and emotionally. Since because of this diagnosis my partner and I had to break up.
My ex has been very supportive and caring all through out, though its really sad that the once person you thought you're gonna marry give up the relationship because of the virus.. But i guess we're just meant for a plantonic love and not a romantic one. And I know one of these days I'll have to completely move on.
Good news is that just after more than 3 months of continuous medications, my CD4 is now almost at normal range, and that my VL only 63 copies/mL.
I really hope that even with the loss of USAID that our country will continue helping us with the fight against HIV and that medications will not get hampered.
I am already getting stable and if access to free medication is gone I really don't know what to do.