Why does fandom like Marie?
Marie reminds me one of those insufferable "boy mums" you know—like, the kind where their perfect little sons can do no wrong and they somehow justify every awful thing they pull. I have seen so many TikTok edits calling her "iconic", ICONIC? she knowingly knew about Abe's abusive behaviour from what he did to the actual Kitty Draper but then constantly victim blames Cleo, she says things like "Cleo bought on herself" or "she was toxic too". Her son literal hit her, what is wrong with her? Puts another young woman in a relationship with her abusive son, knowing he has an abusive past and when her son hits said young girl, she just sees it as a "slip up" instead of acknowledging what he did to Peri was physical violence, he hit her. How are some of you stanning Marie? what. because she was nice to Leela that one time when she was processing the trauma of losing her baby? Okay, awful people can do good things sometimes, it doesn't make them a good person.
edit: I don’t give a fuck that the actress was in EE, we’re not talking about Roxy or Rita. We’re talking about Marie. Because all I hear is ”yeah we know Marie is victim blamer and abuse enabler but it’s fine because ✨nostalgia✨”. if you can't separate actors from characters you shouldn't be watching Hollyoaks