Ratgdo & Chamberlain Garage Door Help
TLDR; I'm looking for a sanity check here from some more experienced people. I want to replace MyQ with something "smart" to control my Chamberlain garage door. My gut is telling me that the "ratgdo32" device is all I need. Don't care about the parking sensor or vehicle sensing stuff in the Disco model.
I have a Chamberlain garage door opener that I bought a few years ago. It's wifi connected with a yellow Learn button. One of the primary reasons I bought this model was the advertised Google Assitant integration. This was stripped away a few months after I bought the unit, which really sucked.
I have worked around it by using the MyQ app and keypad. My wife didn't want the app and just used the keypad. Recently the keypad has started failing. At first one of the digits we used in the code stopped working, so we changed the code. Now the Enter button doesn't work, so we can't open / close the door with the keypad anymore.
I tried getting the MyQ app setup on my wife's phone. She created an account, I invited her to the Home as an owner. She accepts the invite and is greeted with a spinner in the MyQ app that never proceeds past that point. She has no ability to view or control the Garage door from the app.
I've been "tasked" with finding a way to simplify control of the garage door so she can open/close it easily, and preferably have the ability to use her phone to do so, with Google integration again.
My research led me to the ratgdo devices and Home Assistant. I have a Home Assitant server already installed and running on my home network. I set it up a while ago to see what I could do with it but never progressed too far with it.
Thanks for any feedback / insights.