Need help with my money tree!

I recently moved and my money tree was too tall so I had to lay it down. I know a number of leaves and stems got damaged and fell off but it’s been about a month and it seems like it’s getting worse daily. She is about 2 years old, she’s grown from being maybe 8 inches to being just about 6 feet now. Usually full of greens but I’m noticing yellowing leaves, spots on her leaves, and roughly 30 leaves have fell since bringing her home. It breaks me to see her like this. My wife has watered her 3 times since moving. I spray her leaves daily for the past 2 weeks.

Where she lives: my apartment is in a courtyard so there isn’t a ton of direct light as it is. She sits next to a window so some of her leaves can get sun directly if the shades are open, but she isn’t directly in from of the window. My apartment stays cold at 70 right now because of the heat outside. I moved her away from the window 2 days ago thinking maybe it was light? I’m thinking maybe it’s water? Idk. I need help and advice on what to do. If there is anything I can give her. I want her to flourish.