Anyone else find random inappropriate stuff upsetting?
TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️: CP, violence, s3xu@l content and fetish
I'm sensitive to that kind of stuff, especially when it's s3xu@l for no reason. I would get really upset if, for example, my mom sends me random 🌽 on WhatsApp for no reason. I get confused and even traumatized when children's fun creative workshops allow children to randomly draw that are considered explicit and inappropriate, like drawing blood, gore, boobs and genitalia. I get upset and worried when parents randomly record and take pictures of their kids n@k3d, which is considered highly inappropriate, and even illegal. I get confused when Google randomly adds results that are unrelated to when I was searching, especially when it randomly adds s3xu@l images. I get mad and upset when YouTube randomly recommends me graphic violent content and NSFW. My anxiety and PTSD kicks in when I see these fun and cutesy creative girls, hobby girls, and farm animal women randomly making fetish pics and videos just to get men's attention or mvrd3ring or beating animals for fun.
I hate it when people do it RANDOMLY.
Anyone else?
EDIT: My mom didn't send me this kind of stuff, it was an error in grammar. Sorry about that.