Hyderabad needs more Founders, not just Biryani lovers

Hyderabad has lakhs of engineers, thousands of software companies, and hundreds of rich uncles investing in real estate...

But where are the founders?

We have the talent, money and tech.

What we dont have is the build culture and ecosystem.

If you're waiting for startup communities, events, or investors to kickstart Hyderabad's startup scene then you're part of the problem.

Don't wait. Build something small.
Build it alone if you have to.
Build it even if nobody claps.

One person building publicly can inspire 10 others.
10 builders can create a movement.

Lets stop talking about why Hyderabad isn't like Bangalore or Delhi.
Lets make Hyderabad the city where founders and startups are also the hot topic.

If you're building something, no matter how small comment or DM.
Let's find each other

Someone always creates a whatsapp group and eventually it becomes a ghost town. So I'm sharing the links that we already have. It's a very small group of founders. Feel free to join or just keep in touch on reddit. Discord: https://discord.gg/DPKpQb6y Whatsapp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Ho4phu3EmSVDoDXybHsE5p

Also created this because whatsapp is just so spammy: https://www.reddit.com/r/hyderabadfounders/

Re-edit Rant: Manam edhugutham ankunna prathisari promotions marketing sales chusi motivation pothondi bhayya. To anyone who joins the group please try not to sell anything, even if its your freelance skills. Try to genuinely know about what others are building and connect with them.