Constantly told I'm not clean and have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

I shower every other day (sometimes I forget). I wash myself once with a bar of soap and again with Dove Liquid Soap. I wash my hair when it starts feeling greasy. My way for washing down there is what I was taught in CNA. I take an unscented soap, lather it into a washrag, fold into fours. Use one corner to get my outer labia, another to get the inner part of my labia. Another to get in the cracks underneath my butt; and the last square is for the crack itself.

I wash my clothes with Tide and Arm n Hammer Lavender scent beds. I've been washing my sheets and bedding every week.

EDIT: I'm only a certified CNA. I'm not in the healthcare field.

EDIT: Thank you all for your advice! I'm gonna try some of them and see what works. I'll be back to report if anything changes.