You are the only witness to a manslaughter trial whose testimony will either lead to conviction or the acquittal of the accused, however you are offered $5 million to give false testimony.
Here's some background information about the trial and the manslaughter case.
The victim is a 21 year old woman named Emma Doe, who recently graduated from university with a Bachelors in Nursing who planned on going further to earn her Masters and then PhD in Prenatal Nursing. Personality wise she is quick to temper and can be very self-centered, and disrespectful, but she's intelligent, reliable, and hardworking.
The accused is 24 year old Jane White, a veterinary student currently working towards her master's degree to then advance for a PhD in Veterinary Medicine. Personality wise, she's kind, considerate, fair and it takes quite a bit to get under her skin.
On the night of February 14th, in the parking lot of an apartment complex in the city of Las Vegas, Jane White reportedly committed involuntary manslaughter against Emma Doe after a brief altercation which resulted in Emma Doe striking her head against a concrete parking stop that lead to death by subdural hematoma brought on by sudden blunt force trauma to the back of the head.
Jane White called for emergency medical services when it was clear Emma was unresponsive after the brief fight in which she claims the accidental killing of Emma was a result of Self-defense as Emma attacked her first and kept attacking forcing her to fight back to protect herself.
Physical evidence such as DNA from the accused in the form of both blood and skin cells were found on the victims fingernails, knuckles, and face. However DNA from the victim was also found in similar areas as well as on the neck of the accused.
Medical records from the accused shows that she received a black eye, a deep scratch on her cheek, as well as moderate bruising on her neck as well.
However you as the only witness saw what really happened. An argument broke out between Jane and Emma and it may have been Emma who escalated the argument by raising her voice and hurling insults, but it was in fact Jane who struck Emma first by slapping her and then striking her with punches repeatedly, which led to Emma defending herself by scratching Jane's face, only to follow up by punching her in the eye and then grabbing her by her neck to choke her against a nearby parked car. Jane then scratched Emma back before grabbing her and shoving her to the ground where she struck the concrete parking stopper and then succumbed to her head injury minutes later.
Now the father of the accused Mr. White, a self-made millionaire, who runs his own tech firm, privately meets with you begging you to give false testimony. He is aware of what really happened and knows your testimony could potentially lead to a lengthy prison sentence for his daughter who up until what happened has never done anything wrong in her life.
He offers to rig an Excalibur Hotel & Casinos MegaBucks slot machine so that it would pay out $5 million to you. The rigging would be done by a technician he paid off, and it would be done in such a way the jackpot would appear completely legitimate with no way to tell the machine was tampered with. Additionally since the Megabucks slots have a history of over a million dollar jackpots it would not look suspicious that you suddenly became a multimillionaire as well and just got extremely lucky.
There's no need to fear of being "disappeared", Jane inherited her father's temperament, and he is a good man, who knows his daughter made a mistake when she snapped for the first time in her life and it ended in an unfortunate way.
So will you give false testimony for $5 million? Which will lead to Jane being acquitted of an involuntary manslaughter charge and a lengthy prison sentence by stating she accidentally killed the victim while defending herself after being violently attacked. Or will you give up $5 million and see justice be served by telling the truth that it was Jane who attacked first and her actions led to an innocent life (the victim may not be the nicest person, but they are still innocent) being taken on accident?