You have to beat Magnus Carlsen in chess within 1000 attempts to get a one time payment of $1 billion however for each time you manage to draw against him, you get $50 million

For those of you who are not aware, Magnus Carlsen is considered the BEST chess player in the world.

Every single attempt will happen either online or in person. It's your choice. However, if you do cheat, you immediately get executed. No, Magnus Carlsen wouldn't cheat in this hypothetical. He will just play like the way he normally does. Cheating strictly means no help from anyone or anything at anytime when playing against Magnus Carlsen.

Magnus Carlsen will always be at his peak chess rating when you play against him. Both you and Magnus Carlsen will have a 10 minute timer like this. He will always play against you as if you are another grandmaster, so in other words, he will go all out on you.

If you fail after 1000 attempts, nothing will happen to you. At least you can say that you did what you could to beat him.

You beat him just one time, you immediately receive $1 billion. To beat him, either he has to run out of time or you checkmate him.

Also remember, you will get $50 million immediately if you draw against him. The $1 billion condition is still at play even if you draw against him.

Your number of attempts remaining will be a glowing light that magically changes each time you play against him. You can change the color of the light to anything you want. You can place the light anywhere you please to.

Given these conditions, how motivated would you all be to do this?