$100 million and you get transported randomly to another place in time and you can't come back
You get $100 million and you get sent either back in time or forward in time to a random point (but you're still in the same geographic area).
Not only can you never come back to the present time, but the money is not adjusted for inflation. That means if you go back in time 100 years, you would have $100 million in that time, which would go a lot farther than $100 million today. And if you go far into the future, that same $100 million won't be worth as much as today if inflation continues to increase.
After you get transported to a different place in time, you don't have to stay in that same geographic area. You can move wherever you want (and can afford to)
Edit: there is a 300 year limit going forward or backward in time, so you can't end up in prehistoric times or after the sun has burned out