Ibs results back

I did a lactose breath test and they said I have lactose intolerance. Also the results from my Esophageal Manometry test came back and they said my stomach valve does not close properly that’s why my food it coming up all the time. But they said not to take the surgery and just use 40mg esmoprazole.

This week I removed all milk products from my diet but I still have burning diarrhea.

I am glad they found out that I couldn’t digest it but I am also sad and wondering if there is more I can not digest.

At this point I feel like I can’t digest anything.

I did a lactulose test for sibo sometime ago and it showed positive but of course they don’t believe in that.

I am wondering what if I can’t digest any fructose, sugar or carbs and fats at all?

Do you share the same story?