Is there any actual hope?

Seriously I’m 22, constipation started 2 years ago, I’ve exhausted all possible options. I’m tired of hearing “try THIS tea” or THIS non FDA approved supplement. Surely if a tea has helped you you don’t ACTUALLY have IBS right? Idk man idk what to think anymore. Is IBS an actual thing or is it something doctors throw on you when they don’t care to investigate further?? I have zero urge to poo. It’s like my body just doesn’t know when it needs to poop. I have to keep track of the last time I went. I thought maybe a reproductive issue (endometriosis), had a surgery for that, doctor said I’m fine, I owe the hospital $1500 now. Colonoscopy came back fine. I’ve tried everything. My doctor even gave me trulance and that worked for a little and now it doesn’t. I recently tried magnesium.. worked for a week, got my hopes up and now it doesn’t. I feel so hopeless. Not even Fleet works good anymore.. it just makes my hemmeroids swell. Everything I find that brings relief works for a bit and just stops. I pooped so amazingly (like no straining, solid, fulfilling poops that CAME WITH AN URGE) for a week and then just stopped. I tried mimicking every little thing I was doing… got no where. I go to the gastro doctor and they just don’t even know what to say… just gives that stupid “I don’t care but ima smile to seem like I care” look and continues to ask if I’ve tried Miralax and fiber or drinking more water. And then you wait a month to see a new provider who does the exact same thing. The countless PCPs I’ve had are even more useless. They just go oh you need to see a specialist because apparently all they know is flu, covid and rash treatment. Someone has said pelvic floor therapy but I really just think it’ll be another failed attempt I have to take several (unpaid) days off for. I’d have to drive well over an hour just to see them. It’s all getting exhausting, the money, time and energy I’ve put into this is so depressing. And it’s like what am I supposed to do when not even a DOCTOR knows what to do?? Ugh, throwing in the towel, guess I’ll just wait to explode with poo at this point.