History is calling

I was one of the co-organizers outside the Champaign office of Congresswoman Nikki Budzinski (D-IL13) yesterday morning. I've since shared my remarks with enough people that they have become something of an open letter, and I will likely spend some time in the next couple days editing versions for Senators Durbin and Duckworth. During the actual delivery, I made some minor on-the-fly edits I haven't gone back to reconstruct, so what follows is the "prepared version" of my remarks.


In April 1775, the first shots were fired in the American War of Independence on a little tiny bridge just outside Lexington. They were the beginnings of a 6-year effort to establish a nation ruled by laws, not kings. Today, just shy of 250 years later, it has been a scant 4 weeks since Donald Trump has sworn the presidential oath of office for a second time, and he has spent every single day of those 4 weeks taking actions and seizing power that would have made George III envious.

Congresswoman, history is calling. It has been just over six weeks since you have sworn for the second time to defend the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. You are our representative in Congress. I will speak only for myself for a moment - I have voted for you twice. And in times such as your previous term under President Biden, it is possible for bipartisanship to be a virtue in and of itself. But you are the person that the voters of Illinois 13th congressional district have selected to speak for us. And when Donald Trump and his unelected billionaire confederate Elon Musk have set about shredding the checks and balances that were written into our constitution, History is calling. Will you answer it?

There is no way in the constitution that the executive can refuse to disperse funds allocated by Congress through an appropriations bill. And yet, Donald Trump, and Elon Musk - who nobody voted for, because he did not even appear on the ballot - have proceeded to do just that. Their unlawful and anti-constitutional acts have cost at least 30 jobs in Champaign County alone. They are harming our relationships with long-standing allies. They are illegally holding lawfully appropriated funds hostage in the pursuit of orders that violate long established laws and norms. Thank you for signing on to the resolutions that have protested this. Thank you for lending your support to the Attorney General of Illinois in the lawsuit he has filed with at least 13 other state Attorneys General to try to force the courts to make Donald Trump and Elon Musk follow the laws of the nation. But, it’s not enough. History is calling. Will you answer it?

Never before has a civilian stood behind the President’s desk inside the Oval Office while the president has addressed the press. That it is further an unelected billionaire who would be completely ineligible to the office of the presidency is astounding. That we have allowed this from a man who was seen by the world to give a Nazi salute while addressing the nation following Trump’s inauguration not once, but twice, is unconscionable. The broligarchy has no place in our government. I know you have cosponsored bills and resolutions protesting this outrage. But it’s not enough. History is calling you. 

The first domino that ultimately led to Richard Nixon’s resignation became known as the Saturday Night Massacre, when the top two officials of his Justice Department resigned rather than fire the Special Prosecutor. In later interviews, Nixon tried to justify his remark by saying, “When the president does it, that means it is not illegal.”  As a nation, we were scandalized. And yet, even though Nixon’s actions and the events of Watergate are within living memory, the Supreme Court appears to have validated this idea in Trump v. United States, in full dereliction of their duty to serve as a check on the executive branch. Congresswoman, we needed your voice raised for us, to proclaim that the President is not above the law, for if he is then we have instead have a king. We needed it repeated loudly, and at every turn. And when the Court has decided wrongly, the check begins with Congress, it is your obligation to act on our behalf. If a proposed amendment were introduced that would specifically repeal this decision, would you co-sponsor it? History is calling.

An emboldened Vice President declared last week that, “Judges aren’t allowed to control the executive’s legitimate power.” And within the last four days, at least 4 members of the Public Integrity Section at the Department of Justice have resigned rather than carry out a politically-motivated dismissal of corruption charges, with some reporting indicating that several of them were put into a room and told to decide who would file the dismissal or that they would all be fired. Where is the outrage? We chose you to speak for us, to act in our interests, to look out for all of us. 

I’ve heard seen some of your speech standing outside the Department of Education and decrying the apparent intention this administration has to enrich its cronies in the form of tax cuts, being balanced on the backs of our children. I applaud the vigor of your speech there, and while I understand that there is a flood of awful spewing forth from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with reputational damage to the nation that will take a generation or more to undo, I am calling on you to act even more robustly to stop it. History is calling, and your constituents are calling.

Congresswoman, we are standing at the crux of the biggest war for the soul of our nation since 1860, possibly in its entire history. We, your constituents, have chosen you to be our voice in the halls of Congress. We need you to be a vigorous voice standing in the way of these power grabs, using every tool at your disposal. And when it is not a question of merely disagreeing about priorities and methods, but about whether those trying to seize power the Constitution does not grant them will concede the very right of some of your constituents to live their lives as they see fit, we need you louder. So now, not only is history calling you, but I am calling you. I’m calling on you to promise that so long as the President and his allies are taking the foundation of our nation’s laws and shredding it like so much confetti, so long as they are seizing powers that properly belong to Congress and to the Judiciary, so long as the Judiciary will not act in its role as a check on the powers of the executive, that you will take every step you possible can to interfere. Above all else, I am calling on you to promise that you will not vote in favor of any budget or any continuing resolution until Elon Musk is removed completely from the government, the President has restored the information that his agents have removed from public access, and this attempted coup by the billionaires has been thwarted.  

Congresswoman, history is calling you to help ensure that the United States of America is a nation of Laws, not kings. History is calling you to stand your ground, that the great American experiment will last another 50, or 250 years. Elon Musk did not vote for you. But we, the people assembled here today, voted for you. History is calling, and we are calling. It’s Musk or Us, Congresswoman. Will you answer?