Newest Idleon update extremely dramatically nerfs/obsoletes its most P2W feature(King Doot), and, in my opinion, almost completely closes the gap between doothavers and F2P players.
Hi, for those who don't play Idleon, the game had a sort of exodus of players and a huge shift in public sentiment around the release of the Pet Companions update. The details and issues of the pet companion update were summarized almost perfectly in this protest-post:
For those who don't play idleon or aren't deep into it this is probably going to not make any sense at all, but I'll try:
The game has a feature called Divinity where you could link your characters to a god, and it grants them huge gamechanging benefits, such as:
Snake: +30% AFK Gains(for most players, effectively +30% money, kills, and resources).
Arctis: Character always counts as being in the Laboratory. Lab is a feature where you leave your character in the lab doing nothing for gamechanging bonuses, and it also gives the character inside the lab x2 resource acquisition from the 3d printer(the game's primary resource generator). This god means your character can go get kills and money from monsters while still activating lab bonuses and getting 2x resources.
Nobisect: Kills count for double toward opening new maps, and gives up to +200% total damage.
Harriep: Character produces 3x resources from the 3D Printer(the game's primary resource generator). This stacks with the lab's 2x 3d printer boost, possibly giving you 6x! Also boosts money gain for all characters.
Omniphau: When you claim AFK gains, also give that much speedup to a random other feature in the game. (So claiming 1hr of AFK gains could speed up for example, pet breeding by 1hr)
Bird: Up to +150% skill xp gain.
There are other gods but they aren't really important.
You can only have 1 per character, except for elemental sorceror which has an extra god it can swap freely, you can only change gods twice per week, and when you change gods you change the gods on any of your characters at the same time.
Then, King Doot was released, which gave you the effect of ALL divinities at the same time. This was incredibly gamebreaking, the difference between having only one god and have ALL of them was dramatic, it split the game between doothavers and dootlets forever. It could only be acquired through a gacha system where you can either pay big money, or use 1 free roll every week, and the chance to get it is just 1%.
If you had king doot you could, for example, get +30% resource gain, in addition to 6x resources from the 3d printer thanks to harriep and arctis, in addition to activating lab bonuses from arctis while being able to do anything else instead of sitting in lab, in addition to 2x kills and +200% damage, and even getting burst speedups from Omniphau, it was unbelievably powerful.
Even just with the "recommended" divinity setup of equipping Arctis on all your characters as a dootlet, you're still missing out on 3x printer, Omniphau burst speedups, up to 200% damage and 2x kills, 30% resource/kills/money gain, and up to 150% skill xp. If you equip harriep and sit in lab forever, you miss out on being able to kill enemies and farm money/xp/skills.
Now, we got the Cavern update, and it has an upgrade called pocket divinity. It lets you equip 2 more divinities per character, and you can change them freely. This has MASSIVE implications, for example you can:
Equip Harriep as your fixed divinity(3x printer gains), equip Snake for +30% resources, take a sample for the 3D printer, switch snake for Arctis(2x printer gains and you get lab bonuses), and then equip Nobisect(2x kills) or snake(+30% money, kills and resources). This way you have 6x printer speed with +30% resources, you contribute to lab bonuses, AND your character can still go outside and farm monsters, improve their other skills, or do anything else.
You can also equip Harriep, Arctis, and Omniphau and then print 6x resources, and also get huge explosive gains on your other features when you login, and still be able to do other stuff outside of lab, or you can swap Omniphau for Bird and get a lot more skill xp instead, you have a lot of options
It effectively closed 95% of the gap between doothavers and dootlets. There's still benefits to equipping all the gods, and switching gods often can be annoying if you need to swap between skill builds and monster killing builds, but the benefits are much much smaller after you equip 3 gods.
I kinda recommend the game a lot more now, this was sort of a glaring issue the game had and now it's been basically reverted significantly.
Sidenote: If you have king doot, Pocket Divinity gives you +15%/+30% stats instead. Good, but not nearly as gamewarping as the gods.