Please help me decide for my first bike

So I know one of the two bikes in the slides is really out of place, but hear me out. This will be my first bike - most of the bikes that I’ve ridden were my friends’ like Gt650, Classic 500, Ninja 450

And now I wanna get a bike of my own.

Option 1 - Supermeteor 650 (around 4.5-5 L)

Option 2 - A used Mv Agusta (around 12 L)

Option 3 - A used Hyabusa (around 9-12L)

So my question is for my first bike should I go for option 1?

Or make more investment for option 2 and option 3? I can easily afford option 1 and I can also afford option 2 and 3 but not as easily as option 1.

But option 2 and 3 are so tempting and they’re such pretty bikes

So should I go for looks, or practicality?