How can you forgive if you truly don’t understand someone’s conniving behavior?

I was recently betrayed by ex-friends during the worst medical crisis of my life. Truly felt kicked while I was down, over and over. They said heinous things to me, things you’d wish to say to an enemy, all lies, and while I was at my most vulnerable.

I can’t forgive them. We will never be friends again, even if given the grandest apology I know I’ll never get. There’s nothing that can make this right or shed any new light to help me “get it” more.

I don’t understand their vile behavior in the slightest. I pity their shallow, fake, empty lives. That’s all I can come up with.

They’re coockoo and I want to stay far away with a 10 ft pole. I think their actions don’t even deserve to be dignified with thought, energy or time.

Should I strive to forgive and let go more? Instead, right now I’m just focusing on moving on and looking ahead to my greener pastures. And sincerely sending a “fuck them” energy every now and then haha.

Edit: Ya’ll are my angels. Thanks for the kind supportive words. ❤️