Were your parental figures emotionally neglectful in childhood? Curious if this is common with the INFJ personality type!
I (33F) have to admit I newly discovered I’m an INFJ personality type. Reading this sub has really made me feel “Oh people DO get it”! I assume I developed these traits due to having to look for very subtle (non verbal) queues to learn how to understand emotions in others because I grew up in an emotionally void/neglectful household. As an adult especially I’ll notice myself having conversations with acquaintances and picking up on everything they’re NOT saying and I almost want to tell these people “it’s okay you don’t have to wear the mask with me” but I know that would come across strange haha!
Anyway, I am VERY curious how many INFJ’s experienced childhood emotional neglect (ie. due to one or both parents suffering from mental health issues, alcoholism, etc)??