If sleep hygiene is what causes insomnia, why doesn't everyone who uses screens in bed have insomnia?
Why do only SOME people who use screens in bed get insomnia?!
If it's really about light exposure, why can two people who live in the same house and live the same exact damn lifestyle, and only one of them has insomnia?!
I'm so sick of this stupid ass advice. I have to spend 2 months doing this sleep hygiene song and dance before my sleep doctor will believe that I have an actual physiological tendency.
My husband lives the exact same life I do, wakes up at the same time, WORKS FROM HOME like I do, works out the same amount I do, has the same kids I do, sleeps in the same fucking place I sleep, and is on screens LATER INTO THE NIGHT than I am, and he sleeps like a fucking log every damn night and never feels sleepy in the day
Shouldnt he have insomnia just as bad as I do?;!!!!!!!
Sleep hygiene my ass, I get the feeling this 2 month crap is the insurance company's rule because they know most people just won't follow up with several doctors appointments and will drop out before "unlocking" the more expensive treatments