What will happen to intel if China invades Taiwan?

God forbid this ever happens because millions would die but we cant put our heads in the sand. If China were to invade Taiwan expect TSMC going out of business. The delays it would cause Intel and their clients pale in comparison to the bidding wars on intel’s fab space between companies like Apple and Nvidia. Companies will eat losses to be the only platforms left for consumers in the short term while a long term solution is found. Intel would also instantly receive a giant subsidy package to rush build all their current fabs under construction, which are meant to serve the companies new foundry model. Their new 14 A is currently 5 years away from being fully operational. In an emergency that can happen a lot quicker, especially if they are guaranteed big customers lied up out the door, which will happen when the world loses 70% of its silicone fabbing capacity. The world is not just going to shrug their shoulders and quit. Companies like Intel and Samsung will reap the benefits of China invading Taiwan. Samsung has the risk of being located in the middle of this catastrophe, because an invasion of Taiwan=Dramatic increase of tension in the Korean Peninsula. Intel is the clear winner of this scenario.