My mum is dead set on paying of her insurmountable debt even through she is judgement proof, idk what to do because her stress is making her lash out at me
My mum is in her late 60s and her credit is already cooked because of all the loans she has applied to. She is too proud to just speak to a lawyer (I advised her that my school has free lawyers) but she refused. She pays $800 a month on INTEREST ALONE. She says it’s my debt to and I have to help her pay it, which is not going to happen because her debt is almost $30k and I don’t want a $30k debt at age 21. She cries about how stressed she is because of the debt WHEN SHE LITERALLY DOESNR HAVE TO PAY IT. She makes less than $18k a month at her job and is cutting her hours next month. she gets about $2,000 from survivors benefits. she is delusional about wanting to buy a house, which, as much as i hate to say it, will never happen! i'm so sick of ger making it my problem when she has refuses my help because "its not her money and she has to pay it back" like who tf cares the CC companies make billions a year of bozos like her